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19 November 2008


EDIT 27 Nov.
I made my new post! But due to circumstances which will become clear once you see the post I can only post it in 2 or 3 days! COME BACK THIS SUNDAY! And see my long awaited next post! You'll like it!

Hello Antwerp! Hello Belgium! Hello Europe! Hello WORLD!
First of all, THIS IS NO BLOG UPDATE POST. I sencerely appologise for not updating for such a long time. There are reasons bound to it which I will explain all in my next post. Yes! My next post! Which WILL come! SOON! When I wrote what you are reading right now it is wednesday, and next week my school has their school trip and I have vacation. So next week somewhere in that week, I will probably spend 1 whole day updating my blog, look forward to that and keep on checking!
I have little time now so what I wanted to say I've said. One more thing. It seems that the magazine from Belgium "DE MAKS!" has created a wave of curious people for me and my Japanese lifestyle. I want to thank every stranger who I don't know but still visited my blog. Thanks! I appreciate it! And since a lot of you might have questions, please do ask! Leave a message here, or mail me on Mesqueeb (at) I don't mind answering all your questions!
Now I will leave you with a nice video, ofcourse about Japan, and it's one of the many things you see everywhere on the streets, in shopping malls, in school, on boats, on rooftops and in swimming pools. Enjoy!


Jeroen said...

Oh my! They all look so similar!

toemai said...

Eur... I think that's the point... It's all one man, and he is happy for some reason (maybe he likes to wear dresses like that)...